We now go through HomeWav for all video and phone calls. Please click the link below to access HomeWav. For support please call 1-844-394-6639.
Attorney Calls
Starting April 1, 2020, the Washington County Sheriff Office will no longer accept phone calls from attorneys. If you would like to contact a client please follow the attachment below to set up an account through our HomeWav system. Once you have an account set up you will be able to locate your client and leave them a 1-minute video message giving them your instruction to give you a call. Please note that this video message is not free, it is recorded and will cost you 50 cents per message. During the COVID crisis we are allowing inmates to call you for free as long as we have your credentials. Once approved by administration the client will be able to call you on a non recorded line. This will be reevaluated on April 30th, 2020.
All inmates can call the Public Defenders office for free on an unrecorded line at any time. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.